Brief glance in history of Solid waste processing plant “Kivites”
In a summer of 2002 started preconstruction preparation works at the new place, done by the contractor „Nams Kalnozols”.
The plant construction started on September 2003, whose commissioning was carried out in 3 phases. Construction was made by the Austrian company „Strabag AG” in cooperation with the company from Latvia „BMGS” Jsc. The engineering – technical supervision of the construction was made by the company from England „Scott Wilson Kirkpatrick & Co” Ltd.
On August 2004 the State comittee commissioned the first phase of Grobina plant – for energy cells, inner roads and fields, external networks (water – supply, household sewerage, rainwater sewerage, treatment plant, gas line, leachate collection system), telecommunication network, garage building, waste sorting area, place for temporary storage of hazardous waste, pump station, fence, weightbridge and fire fighting reservoir. Therefore Liepaja city’s landfill „Skede” was closed and all waste was disposed at Grobina plant.
At the end of 2004 the State comittee commissioned the second phase of the plant’s construction – administration building.
On November 2005 State comittee commissioned the last third phase of the plant, therefore the construction could be taken as finished. Remained only greening works, what were carried out in next spring. Construction was carried out in agreed terms.
Total costs for construction of waste treatment plant (including taxes) are 4 916 778,91 Eur.
The construction of the plant was cofinanced by the Eurupean Union in amount of 63 % of the total financing.
The solid waste processing plant „Kivites” includes biodegradable energy cells (for decomposing waste and biogas collection), waste deposit area, waste sorting area with an outhouse, waste reception area for people, temporary storage site for hazardous waste, garage with an outhouse for the technology, treatment plant for household sewage (biorotor), weighbridge, administration building, biogas collection station, energy conversion units for production of electricity, leachate collection system.
Enviromental control at plant „Kivites” includes waste registration and monitoring, groundwater monitoring, biogas monitoring, leachate monitoring, household sewage monitoring.
The total area of the plant is – 29.30 ha, what includes agricultural land – 12.5 ha, woods – 11.91 ha, underwood – 1.98 ha, ditches and ponds – 1.26 ha, unpaved roads – 0.61ha, the rest of the area (which was assigned to Soviet army) – 1.22 ha.